ELEN is a network that associates lawyers, economists and tax advisors, regularly registered with the professional associations they belong to in their own country, as members of medium-sized firms (around 10/20 professionals) who are interested in operating in different countries and who can guarantee the personalized and direct contact with the customer.
For each country, in particular those belonging to the EU, the Assembly of the network elects a Study that for the qualities covered will be destined to represent the entire Country of belonging within the association and to organize in it, also in other cities in addition to its own office, all the necessary professional activity.
The ELEN network brings together experts with consolidated experience in services to European and international companies, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), providing rapid and personalized assistance to customers, including private ones.
The professionals partner of ELEN are authorized to assist clients in the various countries present in the network ahead of all the jurisdictions, even superior ones, and also in the field of arbitration and ADR, including Mediation.
The official language inside the network is French and, generally, all internal communications take place in that language; however, this does not exclude the need to use other languages from time to time. The main legal subjects we deal with are:
- Civil and international law
- Inheritance Law and Trusts
- Family law
- Labor law
- Commercial and corporate law
- Corporate consultancy, including international
- Distribution law
- Industrial property and unfair competition
- Bankruptcy law and assistance in insolvency proceedings
- Civil and labor litigation
- Arbitration, ADR and civil and commercial mediation
- Social security law
- Administrative law
- Tax law